Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jackson's Walking!!

Jackson finally decided to learn to walk all by himself! He took his first few steps a couple of days ago and yesterday had fun walking around the house. He still falls a lot, but he's doing great! It's so fun to watch him walk without any help and get excited about it! He turned 16 months old yesterday, so we think he was just waiting for this day to start walking. He's been running around the house with his push toy, but deciding to walk on his own was a big step for Jackson. Yay Jackson!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Caden's First Pinewood Derby!

Caden had his first Pinewood Derby yesterday! Thanks to Caden's grandpa for his help and for letting us use his cabinet shop. After learning how to use the band saw, Caden was able to do most of his car by himself. It was fun to see Scott get excited about helping Caden with his car. Our family had fun going to the Derby to support Caden and the whole stake. Since Cub Scouts is on a stake level here, there were 35 boys/cars. So it took quite awhile to get through all of the cars. Caden did great on the first round. Out of the four times his car took first place each time! The second round didn't go so well. A lot of the boy's cars were having problems. Some of them even went off the track, including Caden's. So he didn't get to move on to the finals. But we sure enjoyed watching the first round! Caden had a blast and was a good sport the whole time even though he only ended up with a participation ribbon.

We had fun cheering for the last three boys in the finals since two of them were from our ward. They won first and second place! It was fun to cheer on the boy that won first place since his dad just had a brain aneurysm a few days ago and couldn't be there to see his son win. (Thankfully his dad will make a full recovery after being in the hospital for a few weeks.) We're looking forward to next year's Pinewood Derby. And Scott and Caden are already planning how they can make next year's car even better!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween and Kaitlyn's 7th Birthday!

Happy Halloween!

The kids had a fun Halloween! Kaitlyn dressed up as Sleeping Beauty; Caden was Harry Potter; Mckay was Tigger; and Jackson was a cute chicken! We especially enjoyed the warm weather on Halloween night because it made trick-or-treating more fun with the kids. As usual we came home with too much candy!

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!
Kaitlyn turned 7 the day after Halloween! I'll never forget 7 years ago going into labor on Halloween night. I even had one neighbor in Provo who came to my door trick-or-treating with her kids and predicted that I would have a baby that night because of the full moon. She was right! It just ended up being the next day by the time Kaitlyn came. We celebrated her birthday by eating at Denny's (one of Kaitlyn's favorite restaurants!).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's Snowing!!

We woke up this morning to snow! And it's only October 12th! The kids went next door to feed my sister's cat this morning and bundled up to go. You can see in the picture my poor flowers getting snowed on. And to top it off, our furnace is not working! We turned it on a couple of days ago when it got cold and nothing happened! The repair guy came yesterday but said he won't have the part he needs until Monday. It's been pretty cold in the house. We've used double blankets on the beds at night and put a space heater in Jackson's room to try to keep him warm. We can't wait until Monday when we'll be able to have a nice toasty, warm home!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our Family Picture!

My sister took our family picture last month when she was in town. Too bad she lives far away back East. We finally have a family picture with Jackson in it. My sister does a great job taking pictures and is the family photographer for my other sisters too when she is in town. Thanks Carrie! To see the pictures she took of the kids look at the ones to the right. Unfortunately Mckay was having a bad day and didn't want his picture taken.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A New School Year!

I am so glad school started a couple of weeks ago! My kids were getting so bored. Caden started third grade at V... Elementary School. His teacher is Mrs. Crowell. He actually missed three days of the first week of school because he was sick with the flu. Kaitlyn started first grade also at V... Elementary School. Her teacher is Mrs. Forsythe. The flu was also passed on to Kaitlyn, but she only missed one day of school thanks to the long Labor Day holiday. And Mckay started preschool at Mrs. Karen's preschool. He loves going to preschool with his cousin and neighbor friends. He goes to scool on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays so on these days it's just me and Jackson! I'm enjoying doing grocery shopping and running other errands with only one kid. I'm not excited about all of the homework though. Caden's teacher seems to enjoy giving a lot of homework. At least he doesn't need too much help from me. I just get to deal with his complaints about how much he has to do.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Jackson and the Family Reunion!

Jackson turned one last week. For his cake we made brownies, which he loves. He had fun stuffing his mouth full of brownies!

Jackson's birthday reminded our family that we have been in T... for exactly a year now. It's hard to believe how fast that year has gone. This past week our family has reflected on the good times and the good friends we have in Provo. We still consider it our home!

The Family Reunion (Amy's family) was held at the Heber Valley Camp. Scott loved this location since he grew up in Heber. We had fun doing a Family Olympics, having smores, going to the lake to ride the pedal boats and canoes, doing a challenge course, riding waverunners at Jordanelle, and just being with family. The kids especially enjoyed being with their cousins. Of the 7 of Amy's siblings, only 4 could make it this year so it was a smaller group. But we had a fun time!

Here are some pictures from the reunion:

Friday, August 1, 2008

Family Reunion!

We got back from the Family Reunion late last night! It's so nice to be home. We enjoyed spending time with ALL of Scott's siblings at the cabin in Island Park and at Yellowstone. We especially enjoyed seeing Scott's sister and family that came all the way from Canada!

Here are some fun pictures we took.
Here's us at Mesa Falls near Island Park.

Here's us at Yellowstone:

Here's us in the Family Tree!

We also celebrated Scott's mom's birthday. If you know her well, you know that she hates anything to do with watermelon. Scott wanted to make sure we had a watermelon cake for her birthday cake. It actually was a strawberry cake with strawberry frosting. Thanks to Scott's sister Christiana for helping to decorate the cake!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Pioneer Day!

We had a fun Pioneer Day yesterday! The kids especially enjoyed the Days of '47 parade. We had a bbq at night with my family and then did some fireworks! Jackson loved watching the fireworks even though the noise was scary for him.

Last weekend we drove to Rexburg, Idaho for my sister-in-law's graduation from BYU-Idaho. After having our family picture taken on the campus there we realized we don't really have that many pictures of all of us together. We've decided we need to be better at getting all of us in our pictures.

We're excited to go to the Family Reunion next week! It will be a nice break for our family! I hope to post some pictures of our trip when we get back!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New blog

I decided to start a new blog for our family. I don't know how often I will post things, but I thought it would be fun to try it.

Jackson is 11 months old today! It's amazing how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday we were living in Provo and I was extremely pregnant and ready to have baby number 4! We love having Jackson in our family! It's always fun having a baby around to keep things interesting and busy! We've enjoyed watching him learn new things like crawling and pulling himself up to standing.

Yesterday I had the fun privilege of getting together with a few friends from high school. We had a barbecue and got to chat about the good old days. It's been fun to keep updated with these friends. We try to get together every few years with friends that are still around. I can't wait for the next one!