Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pinewood Derby!

We had a fun time at Caden's Pinewood Derby tonight! He won first place! That means his car was the fastest out of 16 boys! He won each round and ended up with a total score for four races of 10.457 seconds. Way to go Caden and Scott! And thanks to both grandpas for giving us some great advice and help on the car. As you can see in the picture, Caden got a trophy to stick his car on. This Pinewood Derby involved five different wards in our stake. The other picture I posted shows only the boys in our ward. As you can see, our ward did quite well. We ended up with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners! This is probably Caden's last Pinewood Derby before he turns 11 next year, so we were so happy that he won first place!


Paul, Brittney, and Avery said...

Amy, when I saw your post at 11 pm, I thought, "What is she doing up so late..." and then I realized that I obviously wasn't in bed myself! Congrats Caden, way to go!

Laurel said...

Yay Caden!

Michelle said...

Yay Caden and Scott! Winning the Pinewood Derby is awesome!