Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chocolate Houses!

Our family has a fun tradition of decorating gingerbread houses every year with their cousins and grandparents. A few years ago my friend gave me the idea of doing chocolate houses instead. The kids loved it so much that we have changed to decorating chocolate houses. After decorating we love eating the candy and all of the chocolate! Here is this year's houses the kids decorated!


Kim said...

Those are so cute! Where did you get a chocolate house mold (I'm assuming that's what they are since they all look uniform)?

Amy said...

The molds are from Orson Gygi. You can buy small or big ones.

{Brooke} said...

Cute, cute!!!! It's fun to see what I don't ever hear about.

Larry 'n' Juls said...

How neat! We ussually make gram cracker houses but this year decided to make real gingerbread. Wow, that is a TON of work and then they broke... I'm going to look into the chocolate molds!